Quick Connect MultiCopter Boom Flight Fixit

This is a Quadcopter Boom that I originally designed for my 3D Printable Carbon Quadcoper, but now i have made it more universal, so you too can print these out and make your own quick connectable quadcopter, Tricopter, Hexacopter, Or Octacopter frame! 

With this set of parts you are able to not only to connect your boom to your copter physically on the go, but it will also connect electrically! There are three holes on the boom, and in the female portion of the quick connect, they are designed to accommodate 3 3.5mm bullet connectors. The female connectors are glued in the boom, while the male connectors are mounted into the female, main body quick connects! 

To get these quick connects to fit together and work properly you need 3 pairs of bullet connectors, as well as some sand paper. 
I intentionally designed the boom and female mounts to be printed very tight, this is because i would rather be able to easily adjust the tightness of the connection with some sand paper. 
Very lightly sand the booms quick connect adapter as well as the female quick connect adapter,soon enough they will fit together perfectly! 
Also you will need to Glue in three bullet connectors to both parts of the assembly. The male bullet connectors i have found work best on the female assembly, while the female connectors work best on the male part of the assembly. Squirt a few drops of epoxy or hot glue into the hole for the bullet connector, then insert the connector until it is flush with the bottom of the hole. If both of the connectors are flush they should fit together properly when the two pieces are assembled. 
Your done!

Price $10.00
Category Hobby
Purchases 1
Views 2891
Likes 1
Uploaded 08/8/2014

This work is licensed under the Redpah License.

Quick_Connect_Quadcopter_Boom.stl 776 KB
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Thanks for a nice write-up with detailed instructions!
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