Backpack drying assistant salvador-richter

I frequently use a backpack with drink bladder when I go biking and everytime I have the issue to get the drink bladder dry after using it.
So I made this spiral twisted drying assistant. It is lightweight enough not to slip out and wide enough to keep the both sides of the bladder appart from each other.
Just hang the bladder and rest water drops out.
The set contains two different lengths of the end parts.

Price $1.00
Category Hobby
Purchases 0
Views 1257
Likes 0
Uploaded 05/3/2020

This work is licensed under the Redpah License.

drying_helper_twisted_end.stl 4 MB
drying_helper_twisted_long_end.stl 5 MB
drying_helper_twisted_mid.stl 2 MB
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