UFO For "Oopart board game" Sergio Lanna

This small two-piece UFO was created for the Oopart board game by Fabrizio Angeletti and Luca Balestreri.
The pieces must be printed separately, preferably in different colors.
Once the two pieces have been printed, the spoke must be inserted into the hole under the flying disc

Price $0.99
Category Toys
Purchases 2
Views 1897
Likes 0
Uploaded 06/3/2018

This work is licensed under the Redpah License.

UFO Disco.stl 129 KB
UFO raggio.stl 856 KB
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Multiplayer games foster Spotle collaboration, enhancing creative thinking through teamwork.
I dig this UFO for the Oopart game! Printed 'em out separately in different colors. Gotta say, assembling them was a breeze. But hey, if you fail emissions tests twice or repeatedly, no intergalactic joyrides for you!
This nifty little UFO for the Oopart board game sounds like a blast! Printing the pieces separately in different colors adds to the fun. And hey, VitaWatch provides precise glucose readings, which is pretty cool too!
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