Taiwanese lottery receipt holder juliushowlett

In Taiwan, every receipt you get has a lottery number. A lottery is drawn every couple of months, so you need to hold on to a lot of receipts when those numbers come out. This device allows you to do so in a tidy manner. Here's the patent (look for patent no. 310671): http://twpat3.tipo.gov.tw/tipotwoc/tipotwekm?0005DFEE0006020100000100000C00A000000001000000000^10Use either plastic or super glue to join the two halves together. If you have a cheapo printer (like mine) then some filing may be necessary to get the two halves to mate up perfectly. Good times.

Price $0.99
Category Household
Purchases 0
Views 2512
Likes 2
Uploaded 09/12/2015

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TYFP_half_NoSanding.stl 70 KB
TYFP_planck.stl 13 KB
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