Can Cat Food Cutter, 5 & 6 portions Makuna

Just press into a fresh can and pull out, leaving evenly portioned slices of food.Includes both the five and six portion cutters.

Price $0.99
Category Household
Purchases 10
Views 3883
Likes 2
Uploaded 03/9/2015

This work is licensed under the Redpah License.

CatCanCutter5.stl 2 MB
CatCanCutter6.stl 3 MB
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I do not have a 3D printer. Would someone be willing to make one and sell it to me?
Hello, I bought a pair of the can cutters. The purchase # is 2364, the shipping address needs to be updated or it will bounce. Will you please share how I may do so securely?

I ordered a 6 portion cat food cutter and never heard back about shipment. I sent a message to the company that makes them and got no response from them. Can you please help me out. Thank you
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