Timer Housing mat_new27

I have made this housing for the coffee grinder beside my espresso machine o get control for the right amount of ground. The big knob allows a fine adjustment of the potentiometer underneath the hood.

The housing is made for an 5x10 cm pcb and has inlets for the wires. Also it's supplied with screw columns which side effect is to stabilize the housings walls.
The lid carries the main switch, the potentiometer and the push button. Also i made some frames around the switches which can be illuminate by 5mm LED from the bottom.
I will not describe here the electronics and wiring. But you can find millions of NE555 circuits for timing applications in the www.


The knob needs a little support for the hole inside.
Chose the colors you like but i recommend to print the displays in transparent for an fancy light effect.
I used PLA for all the prints and printed them with a brim directly on a heated mirror tile.
The holes are designed a bit over sized, but after printing you may have to drill the holes a bit larger.To fix the lid you need 3x M3x25 mm screws with counter sunk head. Cut then the the M3 threads with a tapper in the three columns of the housing. The screw holes are placed deliberately in the front part to get covered with the knob and not stay visible.
The mains wires should be fixed with cable ties inside.
But now a happy soldering and printing..

If you have further q`s mail me at matnewmayr at gmail dot com

Price $2.00
Category DIY
Purchases 0
Views 2601
Likes 1
Uploaded 09/28/2014
deckel2.stl 79 KB
displays_2.stl 128 KB
house.stl 83 KB
knob_2.stl 458 KB
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Great design!
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